After the children become comfortable in the pre-primary environment, they are introduced to a more formal world of education, The Primary classes marks as the hallmark of the beginning of activity-based learning for the children. The children are encouraged to enhance their knowledge in the classroom, as well as explore their thoughts and ideas by adapting themselves to new environments of library, games rooms, i-pad Lab etc, Emphasis is laid on the refining of fine motor skills, mental development, physique as well as on an active lifestyle.

Children in Shiksha Valley School are exposed to environment where the concept of interdependence is taught through group assignments. They are made to connect with people, nature and animals to establish connection and learn about interdependence. A well stocked library is made available with the latest collection of children's books to satisfy the learner's curiosity and also to build their vocabulary. Children are encouraged to ask questions and enhance their knowledge on an everyday basis!

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"At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. ~ Jean Houston "

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