A child needs both Freedom and Discipline. Freedom to dream of their future, grow and learn new things, Discipline to nourish their talent in correct path! It is the balance between the both which brings in sustained growth and development. And, therefore, Shiksha Valley School Strives to bring in the most of academics while letting the students excelling in the field they choose.
Besides academics, The Shiksha Valley School offers a range of co-curricular activities not just in the school compound but by organizing events outside too. The school promotes competitions between different schools to bring out the best of competitive spirit and better prepare the students for the world. This works by letting students compete with people outside their horizon and foster their knowledge in front of other unknown people.
From a range of Inter school competitions like the Quiz Competitions, Debate Competitions, Dance competitions, Drama Competitions and even races – the schools makes sure that students know how to compete with the world and stand out in the crowd!