Bus Routes Details

Route 1(AC Bus) :- Moranhut Town to School.
Route 2:- Dibrugarh Town to School Via Chiring Chaporti & Dibrugarh University.
Route 3:- Dibrugarh Town to School Via Sohum Shopee.
Route 4:- Dibrugarh Town to School Via Over Bridge.
Route 5:- Dibrugarh Town to School Via Panchali & Naliapool.
Route 6:- Dibrugarh Town to School Via Khaliamari & Thana Chariali.
Route 7:- Dibrugarh AMC to School Via Convoy Road.
Route 8:- Tinsukia to School Via Chabua Town.
Route 9:- Dibrugarh Jyotinagar to School.
Route 10:- Silapather Town to School.
Route 11:- Dibrugarh Jamirah( Patra Gaon) to School Via BCPL Township.
Route 12:- Rajgarh Town to School.
Route 14:- Moranhut Town to School.
Route 15:- Dibrugarh Town to School.
Route 16:- Dibrugarh Marwaripatty to School Via Chowkidingee.
Route 17:- Dhemaji Town to School.
Route 18:- Tengakhat Town to School.








You Are Visitor Number 1335065
"I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. ~ Thomas Jefferson "