

Sports bring out the best in us! Sports are activities which make us learn the finer lessons of life while having fun. And therefore, sports have been given huge importance in the underlying education system of Shiksha Valley School.

Basketball is the mostpopular sport of America and fast catching up all around the world. With special tactics to bounce the ball on the surface, the game requires one to be attentive all the time, be an attacker as well as defender, look for the goals while working for it and plan strategies to reach to the goal. The game makes one learn how participating, acting and defending is all necessary together to reach for basket. And so, Shiksha Valley School takes pride in hosting a full-fledged basket ball court with all the amenities and coach in the school where the students can learn the finer moves of the game and excel in the field.

Teams are formed and basketball tournaments are held to best bring out the sporty feel from the child and nourish their childhood with lessons of life.

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"A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. ~ William Shedo "

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